Lisbet Jensen and Peter Svane have both the theoretical background and a practical approach to the topic surface coatings
We have more than 25 years’ experience and dispose of ordinary as well as advanced equipment for investigation and analysis of coatings
Furthermore, we have well established contacts to universities and institutes in Europe covering those fields of expertise that we don’t have ourselves
It is our intention to solve our customers’ problems rationally and to provide them with clear answers to their questions without fancy expressions and superfluous information. We approve of making simple experiments instead of trusting assumptions and established common opinions
We act as expert witnesses or technical judges in legal cases in court and in the court of arbitration. We also participate in national and international committees e.g. CEN/TC 139/WG2 – Coating systems for exterior wood
We have participated in international (EU-) research projects – particularly previously, but now more and more of our work is requested by industry, professionals, architects and consultants